Sunday, September 28, 2008

Customer Service at BONANZLE is Truly Customer Service

I just can't say enough good things about “BONANZLE”! Customer service is a thing of the past, at least in most places. Not at “BONANZLE”, customer service is less than a 24 hour turn around with real answers. Bill and Mark don't respond to your e-mails with the auto-responder canned answers. If there is ever an issue with the site it is never more than a few minutes before it is running smoothly again. They even hit the discussion boards! They are very quick to keep you up to date as to any situations that may be happening or going to happen. Like the new WYSIWYG Editor and the combined shipping discounts. They want to hear what the sellers would like to see on the site and they really do listen.

They have a great sense of humor too! Boy do they. You have got to attend a Bonanza just to hear the music! They are real people with real answers to real issues. They have worked very hard to build what I and many others feel is the best alternative to e-bay. The site has a very fresh and clean look to it. Very easy to navigate too. The “BONANZLE” logo is, “Find Everything But the Ordinary”. WOW, the way things use to be somewhere else. They have enough vision to see that it was never broken and there was no reason to fix it. Lots of small to medium sellers selling what they love. Most of these sellers have too found a new home here on “BONANZLE”. They are the sellers that worked hard to take care of their customers and love what they do. They aren't trying to get rich, they are just trying to pay the bills. They too know what customer service is and provide great service to their customers. If you are looking for a new home or maybe a first home, let me invite you to come and see what a refreshing site really looks and feels like

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