Monday, April 6, 2009

Bonanzle Premiere or Plus Members Can Now Print Out Inventory

There was a new blog from Bill this morning. When you see a new blog, you know that something has changed or a new feature has been added to Bonanzle.

Now Plus or Premiere Bonanzle members are able to print out their inventory. This feature is one that so many had been asking for and now can have. You can also grab your buyers e-mail address for your future e-mail marketing, of course your buyer has to opt into this. And coming next week they will also be able to see exactly where their buyer came from. These memberships can be purchased through Ghost's Bonanzle booth, as well as a whole lot of other cool Bonanzle products.

Bonanzle currently has 44,872 users, 12.309 Bonanzle booth oweners and 637 supporting members. Bonanzle is still #4 on the PSU listing count with 1,648,679 listings.

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