Friday, January 23, 2009

LIVE Real Time Auction At Bonanzle Tomorrow With Auction Wally

Tomorrow, Saturday, January 24, 2009 at 1:00 est there will be a real live auction called in Auction Wally's Bonanzle booth. You will need to open two tabs in your browser, one to see the auction in the booth and the other to hear the auction from a talkshoe call. This will be the first called auction on Bonanzle!

Auction Wally NEVER has a reserve or minimum bid on anything. He has been in the business for 25 years, although this will be his first live Bonanzle auction called from his booth. Will be lots of fun to see all of this come together. Go here for complete instructions and links to everything.

Bonanzle has given sellers a lot of different tools to work with and this is just such a creative way to use the chat box and talkshoe together, one to see and the other to hear.

Bonanzle is like I said yesterday back in the #4 spot on the PSU listing board and I do believe that next week Bonanzle will hit the million listing count! It has taken Bonanzle less than 5 months to do, e-bay 2 years to do. Something to be said about those noisy, flee market sellers.

Bonanzle has 22,101 users this morning and 943,695 listings.

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